St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church Kirriemuir
North Angus Linked Charges of Forfar and Kirriemuir
- A church of the Anglican Communion -

Latest News
Follow us on Facebook for up-to-date worship times and other news.
Pastoral Care
Revd Paul Singh can be contacted by calling 01575 578310 or at the Rectory at 12 Stiven Crescent.
Homegroup every Tuesday. Call the Secretary for times and location.
Overseas Group
Please show your support and donate to our fund. We support among others:
Dr Graham's Homes in Kalimpong (India)
Operación San Andrés in Collique (Peru)
Welcome, and thank you for visiting St Mary's Scottish Episcopal Church online. We hope that our website highlights the variety of worship, fellowship and service opportunities available. Please feel free to read more about our church on this site, or come in for a visit. We would love to greet you and share with you our love for Jesus Christ and for you, our neighbour.
Our New Rector: Revd Dr Paul Singh J.R.
The Revd Paul Singh is the new Rector of the linked charge of St John’s, Forfar and St Mary’s, Kirriemuir.
Paul and his family are joining us from Lockerbie & Moffat in the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, and we welcome them to the new North Angus Linked Charge.

Services are held in the main Church.
Sunday Morning services with Communion are at 9:45 AM. Any variations of times will be intimated also on our Facebook page.
There is a Taizé service every third Thursday of the month:
Until further notice there will be no Wednesday service.
The Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) is broadcasting video coverage of Sunday 11am Eucharistic services via its website, social media channels and YouTube channel.
The web page for the broadcast is located at www.scotland.anglican.org/broadcast-sunday-worship .